
Compare Yacht-Master 40mm 126622 Gray Dial Gen vs Clean

Yacht-Master 126622 Clean Factory 1:1 Best Edition 904L Steel Gray Dial on SS Bracelet VR3235 – CTime

  1. Left/Right GEN=genuine product clean=clean factory product

  1. The gray surface on the left appears to have a large color difference because it is in a softbox, but under natural light, the similarity is as high as

More than 95%, the back will emit natural light contrast.

  1. The blue surface on the right side, compared with the real product of factory C, the blue is slightly lighter. Of course, the characteristic of the radial pattern disk surface is that

The colors presented under different light are different. To be precise, if the RGB color values ​​are on the same benchmark, there will not be too much difference overall.

big deviation. Because factory C is on the entire radial pattern dial, such as the water ghost dial, various log dials, and this yacht dial,

When it comes to color radiation patterns, the PVD electroplating process consistent with the genuine product is adopted. The advantage is that the color of the shipment will not

Because the batches are different, there is a difference in tone. In addition, the coating is thin, and the sun pattern on the bottom can be seen.

But it is costly.

  1. This time the bezel adopts electroplating PVD platinum + anti-fingerprint coating, and the material of the bezel is also changed from ordinary brass to fine steel, which is also

That is to say, even if there is a bump on the bezel, the electroplating layer will be damaged. The background color is exposed, and it is the same as platinum and gold. But fine

The hardness of steel is higher than that of ordinary copper. It is also in terms of processing and cost.

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